pavilo Member


  • I cut the milk out of my diet which it was really hard. NOw I drink my coffee with a little bit of almond milk and splenda. No cheese, or any kind of dairy products. No dressings, no walnuts and dried cranberries on my salad :0( . And now I m kind of thinking about following the Paleo Zone diet.
  • It is not recommended to weight few days before and after your period. The reasons? you already know this. So it is better to wait until your period is gone. There is something you mentioned about the afterward feeling when the scale does not show what we want. I had that terrible feeling yesterday when I weight myself and…
  • You should not feel that bad after I tell you that I m stuck for more than 10 months with the same weight . I have 10 lbs to lose and not matter what I do ( change diet, excercise and so forth) it does not go away. This is my second week consuming betweein 1100 and 1200 cals/daily. I workout five to six days per week for 1…