TessaHysell Member


  • Frustrated! I am actually enjoying this program but this darn blister is taking forever to go away! Probably because I have been going out and walking and jogging and making it so much worse. I am trying to be patient and wait for it to heal but I just doing want to lose my drive to keep doing the program. Anyone know how…
  • I like it alot. I am only on week 1 so I am sure as I go it will get tougher. I know what you mean about the heat! I live in Florida so I wait until the evening to run. I just bought new running shoes and ran in them 2 days straight and I have an awful blister on my right heal :( I am sure I just need to break them in. I…
  • I started couch to 5k four days ago. I really like it and I normally hate running. I found a pod cast that had music I like so that helps. Mine is a little different, I am on week 1 supposed to run 3 days a week but I am shooting for 5-6 days a week. It is 5 minutes of brisk walking, 60 seconds running/jogging, 90 seconds…