Shannah256 Member


  • I went from 205 to 155 lbs, when I told a family member that I had finally hit the 50lb milestone she just said 'it shows how fat you were in the first place'
  • Hello, My names Shannah. I'm a student from uk and i want to get slim by christmas!! Start weight 205 Current weight 175 Goal weight 150 Height 5ft 10 Feel free to add me :)
  • Three things motivated me all at once: 1) The first time I heard my thighs slap together a s I ran upstairs.. ewwww 2) The fact that my sister had lost 2stone 3) The thought that I would be be fat When I went on my holiday in March and thats all I have to remember to keep me on track :)
  • I would reccomend either to fit in a set amount of calories for an evening snack, so if you do have one it doesnt matter, or distract yourself! I find going for a walk or swimming or inviting the girls over distracts me! Also have low calorie snacks, fruit, no added sugar jelly is good too, you can eat the whole bowl for…
  • don't worry about natural sugar, its the artificial sugar that it is really counting. I have the same problem, I always go over the sugar,by eating fruit, but it doesnt really matter, as I have managed to lose 30lbs in 3months :) good luck
  • Hello, I have been doing this alone and am looking to support and and be supported by some freinds on here :) please add me