EmmaReed84 Member


  • Woo Hoo... I am in living in ESSEX... But not FROM Essex, from North Lincoldnshire lol, for anyone thinking of TOWIE I sound nothing like them, although my youngest son does.
    in UK!! Comment by EmmaReed84 April 2013
  • Thank you, so much clearer now x
  • But what I am confused about is eating 1670 calories on days where I am not exercising? I always try to hit it on the days I am at the gym, but didn't know if that goal was just a general everyday goal accounting for 3x workouts a week, or just for when I am working out.
  • Thank you everyone for all the lovely replies. It is nice to know there are people out there who understand. My husband is wonderful, but sometimes when I get bad and super exhausted and feel rough like I do today, it is hard for him to understand what I am going through as outwardly I am fine and dandy! Plus the only real…
  • WOW, a fellow broken buddy LOL. Where about are you? I am in the UK and have spoken to my specialist and they advised me that they won't look at transplants until things progress further. (stage 4, leaning more to stage 5). My husband came with me to an appointment and asked if he could be tested as a possible donor, but…
  • I have stage 3B kidney disease. I had reflux of the kidney when I was very small and had an operation to insert stents when I was 5. Everything had been OK, however, since the birth of my 2nd child in 2008 they have been slowly getting worse. My kidney function continues to decline at a slow pace and it is highly likely I…
  • You have scored 14 points. SCORE 10-20 You live comfortably in your body - most of the time. However, your body image and, therefore, your self-confidence can from time to time be a little shaky and there is a risk that certain situations could make you anxious on account of the way you feel about your body, size, shape or…
  • If you push him to do something he obviously is not ready to do, it won't stick. If he changes, it should be because HE wants to and it is HIS motivation driving him. Not yours. I was the same with my husband and embarked on my weight-loss journey alone, I lost loads of weight, everyone now comments on how well I look and…
  • Thank you for the reply. With regards to my husband trying to "force" (for want of a better word) to like certain foods, that has been his choice. He like the smell and flavour of foods, but struggles with the texture. He annoys himself that he used to love how things smelt, but could not eat it. His Mum was not the…
  • I don't look at other peoples baskets, nor do I judge what other people eat. But what I have noticed is how pleased I feel with myself when I go to the checkout and look at all the lovely healthy food I have chosen. I feel pleased I made the right choices. The same when I eat out, I feel pleased with myself for the choices…
  • The most confusing thing in the world LOL!! Just kidding, I will wait for someone else to explain it as I am still trying to get my head around it.
  • I never thought I would be annoyed at a NSV. I started losing weight to get in to a better shape for my holiday in 10 weeks. I bought loads of clothes for my jollies one size less then what I actually was as I was just SO confident I would fit in them by the time my holiday arrived!! Why am I annoyed... THEY ARE ALL TOO…
  • To be fair I went to several different sites and ran the numbers, I might have used the one you said, but cannot remember LOL. At the moment he is trying to make healthier changes so instead of 2 bags of crisps at work, he is eating a banana instead. His problem is, he is very fussy. I has taken him ages to be able to just…
  • I am 5ft2 Highest weight was about 168lbs SW 143 CW 122 First picture was me at my heaviest and before I had a breast reduction. 2nd picture taken a couple of days a go First picture was taken NYE 2009 6 months after breast reduction.
  • Thank you, you are a star! I really appreciate it.
  • I am 5ft2 I my SW was 143lbs and I THOUGHT I wanted to be 112lbs. However I too got stuck at around 123lbs-122lbs mark. I have been there for ages, at first getting frustrated and trying everything I budge them last lbs. However, the more I went to the gym and started losing inches I sort of forgot about the scales, and…
  • No, not upset. Just confused. I guess I had prepared myself for the gain and losing weight has just thown me. I am not complaining LOL
  • BF was a rough calculation at about 25%
  • Day 5 - 70 DONE!
  • That is exactly what I thought... LOL!
  • Thank you for the replies. I am looking in to getting the Diva Cup, I have sort of heard about them before, but never looked in to getting on. I will now though!
  • Just had a look at some U.K. stockists and one place sell the cups and are called YUUKI... That has made my day, perfect name, yuuki (yucky) cup pmsl!!!!!!!
  • Yeah, I just did the same! I am on the site now... Looks interesting!
  • I am 5ft2 Highest ever weight was about 159lb (after my first child) my starting weight last year... 143lb Current weight... 122lbs Goal weight WAS 110lbs, then 119lbs but to be fair, at the size I am now, I am happy. I am now working on weight training to get a better, tighter shape. I don't mind if I gain a little weight…
  • Is anyone here from South Africa? If so, my cousin is Stewart Irving from Ballyhoo.... *insert sad cheesy grin* LOL!!!
  • The most interesting person I met was the Queen, we were at a graduation parade for the R.A.F and I was about 10, I handed her a small bunch of flowers and she said, in her very posh, soft tone "Do you live around here?" my mouth dropped to the floor I had the dumbest expression on my face and blurted out "Er, no! I live…
  • What i s IPOARM? I think I got that right...
  • OMG, My eyes literally popped out my head @ "are you trying to flirt or do you normally say stupid stuff?" LOL!! I sure as heck would be for too embarrassed to say that. It is strange because I can either be totally shy and not know what to say, or be very chatty and quick witted. But I have to sort of force myself to be…
  • Awww, what a lovely comment. That was put so nicely... I think I may need to teach my son how to be tactful LOL
  • 9 P.S. I am on the right (sister AKA fatpants40 is on the left)