

  • I too was depressed as a child but no one seemed to notice, In fact after struggling for years to fit in and to succeed only to fail each time at the age of 35 (yr 2000) I was finally diagnosed with major depression severe fatigue and anxiety and agoraphobia. That is when Paxil was introduced to my body. Oh more tragedy.…
  • I'm not doing very well with this guys. I admit that now that I think about it more (have my times alarmed on cell phone) I am definitly doing better. I used to eat in bed constantly. Not any more. So I guess I have certainly improved. I will try to look at this positively
  • I started a new medicine and my doctor told me to drink a lot of water with lemon slices to avoid kidney stones. After a week of it I can't stand the taste of pop. I loved my diet coke. Now...blah!!
  • May I inquire about this 600 calorie a day diet? Is this something the doctor put you on and is it really healthy? I am willing to do whatever to lose weight however I have no...did I say no?...willpower.
  • Well I give myself 1 point for the past 2 nights. I have decided my problem. I eat in my bed. I eat lunch in my bed. I eat breakfast and supper in my bed. I am depressed so I spend a lot of time in my bed. I am doing better but the eating has stuck. I crochet and knit and I do those in my bed. I have got to migrate meals…
  • This would be right up my alley if I had the will power. How do you get it? Yes I want to lose the weight. I gotta try. I promise I will do the best I can to not eat anything after 10:00 and anything that I eat after 7:00 will be healthy.
  • THis is my life daily. I can go all day and do great. As soon as the sun goes down you better look up that kitchen cuz I can't stay out of it. And all I want is carbs and sugars. And I can't stop!! I hate myself. I knit or crochet to no avail. The only way I can not eat is to be outside gardening. You can't do that at…