

  • With out going into a full blown essay for the complete understandings of how the human body works, i gave a general example... a simple but effective general example... so as re my lack of understanding of human biology and physiology i think you will find you are wrong.. Loosing weight and getting healthy is all about re…
  • It is important to eat something in the morning whether this be breakfast or even just a plain simple biscuit. Your body will have been on an approx 8 hour starvation and needs fuel to energise it again and get the metabolism in to gear. The body will protect its self before anything else and if it feels that you are going…
  • Ladies Ladies Ladies please, don't refer to them as stretch marks to be ashamed of... A new way to think of them is that there life lines and something to be proud of.... trust me it helps to think of them that way, but yes do understand how they make you feel as i have them myself and trust me 2 normal births and a c…
  • being you haven't weight trained for some time, you don't need to go to the gym or use weights.. Use your own body weight for eg push ups box, three quarters and then eventually full length... Squats and when you get used to doing them start to use things like bags of sugar in each hand to increase weight... Bicep curls…
  • I am a newbie here too, Live in Kent but spend most of my time in North Wales Denbighshire...
  • Sounds to me as tho the GP didn't ask the right questions in the first place therefore not taking into account Muscle mass which as we all know is so much heavier than body fat... Gp's do make me wild with there assumptions and not facts
  • There is no reason why the young lady shouldn't be exercising, BUT, i must stress that at a young tender age of 11 years, her main exercising should be from playing out with friends, bike riding out side, any sort of sport activity that children should be involved in... Working out in a gym environment wont do her any…
  • Yes deffo sounds like sports related asthma or as mad as it sounds seasonal asthma.... as each season changes out comes my asthma pump which really makes life so much easier.... So yes you do need to get to see your GP... Also knowing this is going to happen it will also cause panic which can also bring it on far worse…