Notebooks Member


  • The only time's i fast are when I feel like i'm losing control of my eating habits. I like it from a discipline building point of view. "If i can not eat for 5 days straight, i probably don't have to eat that (insert vice)" etc. I suppose i also naturally fall into IF timings too. usually eat everything between 8-5pm
  • Thanks for the tip! Run n gun seems to work a little too well, and the spray patterns seem to be randomised which takes away from the charm of learning to use each weapon and properly counteract the recoil, 5 hours played this week, which is extremely low considering the thousands spent on it's predecessors. Still a good…
  • The biggest problem seems to be the matchmaking. forces me to play on servers located across the world, and it seems to be a community-wide problem, everyone is playing with 150+ ping when trying to do ranked matches. For a tenner you may as well get it, plays fine on any community server, just a shame the matchmaking is…
  • csgo and dota2, neither of them really living up to the memories though.
  • You must be extremely Tall. you looked smaller than me, when both of us were 20 stone, and im 6ft2 and now at 100kg, you look great, but.. you must be 6.3+?
  • Ryvita with low fat Sweet chili cream cheese 50 calories each with a reasonable covering of the cheese.