LoveLearnHappy Member


  • I tried Daily Harvest for a week and loved it so much that I ordered a whole month. I ordered a little bit of everything the first time, and I'm not a huge fan of the smoothies (too watery/not satisfying)... but the bowls and soups are amazing! Full of flavor, veggies, perfectly portioned and satisfying. Sometimes I'll…
  • Holy cannolis, yes! I can easily out-eat my 6'3" husband if I don't really lay down the willpower hammer on those days. Drinking lots and lots of water to the point where I am so full I can't even think about a cookie sometimes helps... plus it helps with bloating, too!
  • <--- This is what marrying a teacher looks like. I think I made the right choice.
  • We eat the skin, too! But anything that has an edible skin gets a nice 15 minute vinegar/water bath as soon as it gets home from the store. Not just to remove the dirt & pesticides that could be left on it, but also because of all the people who might have touched my food before I did. Just think of all those hands that…