

  • I use apple cider vinegar and a little oil to make a really nice salad dressing.
  • What about the good old fashioned boiled egg. It comes in its own packaging, is filling and full of goodness. I sometimes boil a few and leave them in the fridge for a good protein snack.
  • But you said you haven't gained any weight. Given the circumstances that's a huge achievement in itself. Well done! It will all come right again. Keep going. Do the best you can, and constantly remind yourself that your best is pretty damned good!
  • I'm looking forward to a Leslie challenge. I haven't received my DVD yet. I live in rural Western Australia and the post is VERY slow to get here. So maybe I can't do this challenge, but look for me in the future - I'll be there. I used Leslie years ago on video and think she provides fitness for real people of all ages.…
  • Hi Jenna I've only been here a few days myself. I'm finding using myfitnesspal really useful and it's good to be part of a supportive group. Best wishes for a successful weightloss. You can do it.
  • I know how you feel, I've been there. But you need to know that guilt is your biggest enemy and isn't worth indulging yourself in. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, put the past behind you and start all over again. I have gotten up and have fallen down again regularly throughout my life. (I'm a lot older than you.)…
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