

  • WOO HOO! I weighed myself this morning and show a 4.8 loss in 9 days. Love it! I had a few deviations of eating like eating 2 pop tarts instead of something healthy. This normally would have set me into the mode of "oh well" but I recorded it and saw that the calories didn't wreck my whole day and I simply ate better the…
  • Hi IOWA group! I currently live in Chicagoland but travel back to Iowa frequently to see family and will always love Iowa. I am originally from Ft. Madison and went to U of Iowa. This site has been incredible for me. I have been successful with WW and Jenny Craig but always gain some or all of it back. In fact, in 2007 I…
  • I don't just classify myself as a stress eater. I am an emotional, binge, overeater. This is the year that I am figuring it all out and will not only lose weight but will combat the whys of overeating. I have even started a blog to write out the emotions and maybe you will find some things there that click for you. I just…
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