

  • Yup, was at 350 at my highest a couple weeks ago. Hubby started a biggest loser program at a local gym (I'll be starting when he's done in 12 weeks) so as a couple we are following the 1600 calorie diet. It's been really great so far, down 14 from when we started the diet. 175, here I come!
  • Todays lunch: spinach leaves (about 1.5 cups) quartered cucumber (about a cup) 1 oz reduced fat feta cheese 1 hard boiled egg (sliced) 1 TBSP avacado few spritzes of wishbone balsamic vinagarette spray dressing along with a half a whole wheat pita with sliced turkey and tomatoes (no condiments)
  • This. Wil Wheaton is amazing. Also, I read that recipe and am planning to make it very soon : )
  • I have the band - I always preferred Cream of Wheat for breakfast because if you use just a bit less skim milk than it calls for, it's pretty thick. Breakfast sandwiches are going to be difficult, if you eat dense bread. Anything dense we lovingly refer to as "death" in our house (hubby and I are both banded) Good luck!
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