

  • Wow! A lot of people have replied. Looks like a lot of new MFP friends. Anyone can feel free to add me! I'm always up for motivated fitness friends. I'm currently doing TurboFire and am on here regularly.
  • Where's my TurboFire peeps? Come on turbo fanatics! Hop on the turbo train and head over to a fulfilled turbo group. Let's crush it together. :)
  • That's a great way to prepare for TurboFire! I love the weighted gloves and able idea. $10 is cheap with a dvd workout. I might haveto look into that. I'm so glad you joined the fb group. I'm ready to kill it with this program and it's so fun.
  • Hi, there! I started TF on Monday, as well. I absolutely love this workout. I have done it in the past, but never followed the schedule to a T. This time I am (w/ maybe a little ChaLean Extreme). I also created a TF group on facebook if you want to join. I'm on there more than I am on here and find it easier to converse…
  • I just want to say I am so proud of all of you who have made it through this crazy insane program, INSANITY!!!! You deserve to reward yourself and that doesn't necessarily mean go out and eat an entire pie or box of cookies!! lol. Rather maybe some new workout shoes or a smaller pair of workout pants??? What ever you…
  • Love your feedback! Thanks for sharing. I love hearing uplifting results like this. are you going to continue doing this program or try another?
  • Hey there, evedavis! How are you keeping up this time? just remember the end result you want to achieve and believe in yourself. If it's one thing I've learned it's that exercise can boost your self confidence and endorphins. I always feel great after a good workout. So keep digging deep! You got this.
  • Awesome job there kjbrown! Those are great results. Do you notice having more endurance and getting through the program easier?
  • I normally workout in the evenings, but since I haven't been working I get it done during day. I like getting it done and out of the way so I can enjoy the rest of my day.
  • Ancutz, beachbody site. Insanity is a program through beachbody so I use their site to determine my calorie intake.
  • We'd be happy if you joined our group! Make sure you are eating enough calories while doing these programs. MFP isn't set up to adjust to a program you're doing. that's why I always say to go on to the BB site, get a FREE acct and get it figured out as what program you are doing. I'm suppose to take in 300 calories more…
  • Hang in there Lisa. This program does that to people sometimes. It almost feels like boot camp, rather than fun. However, so many continue to do it because it does deliver results!! So, keep telling your self to continue on and push through. It's a natural response to be fired up the first week start a new program and then…
  • I've got Cardio Power and Resistance today as well. Anyone can join here at any point, so, welcome aboard!! I encourage you to go to our fb group as well. We usually post a bit more in there and tends to be more active. If interested go to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/359982110752124/ Keep up the determination and…
  • Hey, Becky!! You must really love this workout if this is your 4th time through it! That is awesome to hear. How have your results been since keeping with the program for so long? This must be as I like to say your "soul mate workout". :) If you want to join our group on fb, we'd love to have a reoccurring graduate from…
  • Hi, Staylon! Great job making it through week seven!! YOU ARE ALMOST DONE!! How do you like your results so far? Thanks for the encouragement!
  • The mind is your most POWERFUL tool. The thoughts you have determine your behavior daily. You have total control of your thoughts. The people who are successful and reach their goals do so because they are positive thinkers and BELIEVE they can do anything. When you have doubt or don't believe in yourself then you don't…
  • Of course, Lisa!!! Welcome to the Insanity crazy train (as I like to call it). :) I'm on week three so you aren't far behind me. Besides, this forum is for anyone needing support and motivation while doing the same program. That's what makes it easier. Knowing we have a support system who is doing the same program. How did…
  • KJBrown, You have really come a long way! And good for you to sticking with the program. It seems like a lot of people give up after week 1 or 2, but not you!!!! So, I commend you for going strong. And I agree!! Do not skip the recovery week! Your body needs it to refuel and let those muscle fibers heal so you are ready to…
  • That is an excellent workout, isn't it? Gets you moving and crying at the same time. :) But, oh so worth it! So, great job crushing it!
  • How is everyone doing this week? where ya at?
  • If you still need an energy boost in your day, or you feel yourself crashing, you should try to explore different teas. Black tea is great because they are very low in sodium, reduce Cardiovascular problems and are bountiful in antioxidants. It's also great for that 2 pm crash (which you should be eating at!!!!) Green teas…
  • Great job getting motivated and pushing play. It isn't always easy, is it? I always find that I feel so much better once all is said and done. I feel accomplished and another day down toward my goal! Keep it up!!
  • Of course you can be a part of this group!! Congrats on taking your first stepson the INSANITY crazy train!! Great job, btw on your fit test! It'll be awesome to see your results going into week 3.
  • Who started another week today? Dig deep! How you didn't splurge too much over the holiday weekend. We don't want to ruin all the progress we've been making. Just be watchful.
  • Hey, that is excellent! Let us know what you think about it and how the fit test goes!!
  • Good morning all!!! You guys are a day away from finishing up your first week. Can you believe it? Time flies when you do insanity (although sometimes it may not feel like it) I really want to commend you all for pushing hard each day this week. You might have not been able to do all the moves and you might have stumbled.…
  • Really, it's up to you and how your body feels. If you think you can handle doing 2 workouts in the same day, then go for it. Many people make up a workout on their rest day if they fall behind. So, it's really up to you. Either way, you'd be back on schedule come Monday. I've made up workouts on my rest day if I didn't…
  • Alright, ya’ll. For most of you today is Cardio Recovery, it’s a 30 minute class that consists of balance, stretches and core work, such as; squats, lunges and planks. Some might consider it light cardio work, but I believe it to also be a strengthening session for your core and working on balance. Don’t under estimate it…
  • Remember. There is also a private facebook group you can connect with if you prefer instead of through here. That site is https://www.facebook.com/groups/359982110752124/. I post a lot of the same stuff over there, if not more and people tend to be more active on it. So, if you are wanting support and motivation to get…
  • WTG!! You are 2/3 of the way done with the program! Good for you. I'm glad to hear it only gets better. I'm only on week two, but I did a lot better on the warm-up myself yesterday. We all got this!