Trans - ocean brand ! "crab classic" flaked imitation crab meat 450 grams sodium per serving (1/2 cup)
vodka & diet tonic, vodka & light cranberry cut with seltzer, vodka and orangina light......
I love bikram! I have always been suspect of the calorie counters that say that your losing huge numbers....I enter 700 calories lost (instead of 1300 or so) to err on the side of caution. I'm 5' 7, 190 lbs. The benefits of practice are much more than the calories as you know! Be careful! I've been nursing injury from this…
PUMPKIN KADU! Afghan roasted pumpkin! Lots of recipes online, but the basic is slow roasted pumpkin, with a little garlic yogurt sauce. I recall baking it for hours until it caramelized, then making the yogurt sauce with fat free yogurt. Can add ground seasoned beef or lamb too....fantastic!
Iv'e been doing the shred for about 20 days - works great, but kills my knees too! I did it yesterday while my knees were aching, and now I can barely walk. Take it easy on the knees! Do some ab work or pushups instead! -Steph
I make iced green tea, using flavored teas like Mango Green, Jasmine Green, Earl Green. With some mint, Splenda, lemon it's great. A few glasses = way more then a few cups. Iv'e heard that you need to consume a lot for the best benefits, this is one way to do it!
I'm in! I'm in day 20 of it, and have lost a couple of belt notches. Need some inspiration to keep going, I want to get to level 3!