goodarzi Member


  • I am 5'9" tall and weigh somewhere around 150-152 range. I can wear a 4 or 6.
  • my abs are pretty tight if I do say so myself. ;-) My strategy is a 5-6 min circuit, each exercise 1 min each. I do plank twist, circular crunches, double crunch, bycicle crunch, flutter kicks, sit up bar w/ twist (holding kettle ball), leg raises, leg presses, up and twist, etc. I just use a stop watch & switch every…
  • They are all over our gym. I don't like the one in the cardio area but I have to admit it definetly helps with form in the other areas of the gym. otherwise do not like looking in the mirror a whole lot.
  • That is a great idea marking the pot for cups. I have a few bowls that have the cups marked, but the larget one I have I think goes up to 11 or 12 cups. So you could pour the food into a bowl that has a certain compacity. Portion control is very hard all around, I think.
  • I have to be honest with you--it is annoying and very time consuming to do this. I don't want to be obsessed with it but I want it to be as accurate as possible. I've done it few different ways. I've measured each item as I combine them to make a casserole or a soup, then add that all together. I've also weighed the…
  • I'm not a huge snacker but my new favorite is like a fruit/yogurt parfit. I just mix together sliced bananas, blackberries, sliced strawberries and one plain vanilla yogurt (I like danon light & fit). So good. I also like toast with a little peanut butter and sometimes add sliced banana. :)
  • I have a hard time too and can only go a short period of time. My husband is in the army so obviously he is a big runner. He tells me I need to time my breathing but I just can't seem to get the hang of it either.
  • I'm from Central Louisiana. :)
  • I have had four c-sections. I don't really notice any discomfort when I do ab workouts, other than normal. However, it's been 5 years since my last baby and I still experience some numbness in the lower portion of my tummy. So maybe that is why.
  • I'm sure on the days that I indulge is a meal, I go way over my allowance. However, I do not log on those days. For me, I like to take a break from measuring, & logging every single day and that's part of the "cheat". I usually take one day a week off.
  • I count deep cleaning.
  • This is my problem area as well. I've been doing a lot of leg machines at the gym and they have a few that target the glutes area specifically, and now squats & lunges as well. They have this thing at the gym for weighted lunges--but I don't seem to be very coordinated to do it. ;-)
    in Butt! Comment by goodarzi January 2013
  • It probably is a growth spurt for the baby. Make sure you are staying hydrated. I personally took Fenugreek when I felt my supply was low and also pumped in between feedings since breastfeeding is based on supply & demand. It helped me a lot.
  • I like air pop popcorn once in a while but it does me feel bloated if I eat too much or too often. I'm on a fruit kick lately, especially pears. The other day I mixed together sliced banana (small), sliced strawberries, and handful of blackberries with a little bit of chocolate syrup. Peanut butter on Sara Lee 45 calorie…
  • I'm not a morning person, but I work out in the mornings since my kids are in school during the day. The longer I wait to to it, the less likely I will be to get it done. Then once I knock it out, I feel like I'm in a better mood the rest of the day. I usually like to be in the gym by 9 or 10 AM. Best time to go at my gym…