

  • Okay so I'm confused, sorry I'm not into much nutrition knowledge. How would i calculate my body fat properly then, if you say even calipers are not accurate? Can you give me an idea of how much calories i should be taking in daily according to the exercise program i'm doing 6 times a week?
  • Yeah but according to the amount of exercise i do, burning upto 500-800 calories daily for 6 days, how much calories should I be intaking daily and should i be counting the supplements as calories and proteins for myfitnesspal
  • I don't know if the home body fat test is accurate or not because i used an online calculator and measured myself in inches to figure it out, didn't use any body fat test devices... On myfitness pal it says Your estimated BMR is: 1,754 calories/day* and Your BMI is: 24.4 Target weight range: 125.3 - 169.3 lbs
  • Okay i have done a home body fat test using measuring and supposedly this is what I have You have 11% body fat. You have 18.2 Pounds of fat and 146.8 Pounds of lean (muscle, bone, body water).
  • If someone actually took the time and effort to figure something with me that would be great, I'm confused as too how much calorie i should actually be taking. Age: 20 in two months weight: 165 Height: 5'9 work: none activity: Little due Christmas break and in January will be back in school work out program: P90x (6 days a…
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