alicks11 Member


  • I ate more today around 1100 cals, I will continue to do what ppl have suggested and see what happens in a few weeks. Thank you for all your posts appreciate it
  • It's all measured out of packets I scan the barcodes and do it based on that..
  • I've gained it over the last 2 1/2 years so it just crept up on me. Does it matter why, why does that seem to bother you so much. If you must know I suffered the lose of my baby boy. I was drinking a lot, stopped looking after myself drinking and eating whatever and not going gym I was also put on antidepressants which I…
  • Everyday I'm eating more then burning because probably burn like 400 cals when at gym. I want to lose 1 1/2 or 2 stone to get back to my best weight. I calculate on my fitness pal. I'm not eating carbs and find I'm so busy that I forget to eat. I am now trying to eat more cos think body prob going into starvation mode that…
  • I did mean around 600 calories a day, I generally have a boiled egg near lunch and maybe snack on small bit of cheese or salami stick. Then I might have a shake (only had few times in last few weeks tho) which is low carbs low cals Like 200 then a meal in evening which will be meat with spinach or salad usually. I did…
  • On day 3 level 1, just having coffee then gonna put it on.. Just trying to vision the tones body in a month lol. Anyone else on same days as me gimme a MSG, can help each other :)
    in Level 1 Comment by alicks11 January 2013
  • Hi I started the shred on Tuesday, woke up yest with aching muscles, but after a long day forced myself to do it at 9pm last night happy I did tho. At college today then gonna do later but am dreading the 30 days of it so would be good having someone on same days/levels as me :) I got a little boy his 3 tho, am just…
  • Ok thanks will work through it as best as I can, just strange some ppl say u should rest tour muscles to let rebuild etc.. But dont wanna slack day 2 i forgot bout the sore body after a good workout been so long lol No pain no gain tho hey :)