

  • Hey ladies!!! Looks like there are a lot of us mommies out there trying to lose weight!! For me it has been hard losing weight after having a baby versus back in high school!! But I'm still trying!! Just a few months ago I used to struggle mostly with food and eating all the bad junk but now not so much. What are some…
  • Hey Ladies!! How are you all doing?!? How was your weekend?!? Mine was alright, I had to work today blah haha. Tomorrow is Monday and the start of a new week!! What have you ladies got planned for this week?!? Do you have any goals you would like to accomplish?!? This week I am going to be working, spending time with my…
  • Hey everyone!!! I just want to say thank you for replying back to me!! We are all here for the same reasons and I'm so glad to be able to help you all!! I am sending private messages and friend requests to each of you!! I hope you all are having a great weekend!!! And if you know of anyone needing some motivation and…
  • Add me!!! :) I get on here regularly and could use some more friends for support and motivation and to help anyone also