Welcome back! Feel free to friend me if you'd like.
I post every meal on an app called Twogrand that allows you to log your food with photos, no calorie counting or anything. It's an outlet for my obsession of taking pictures of my food without driving my friends and family nuts on FB or Instagram. Feel free to follow me ksellen.
I had 2 eggs over some left over sauteed onions and peppers with flank steak, for lunch/dinner I had chili (we slept in late so breakfast was around 11) then I had another meal before bed because I was super hungry of 2 eggs and a little ham
I'm Korbey and live in the Twin Cities, MN. I have been dabbling in Paleo for over a year. Have started and stopped 2 Whole30's. Really, I'm just tired of not holding myself accountable and "trying". It's time to just do. I have over 60 lbs of fat to lose and feel like crap. I've been paleo in long enough stints to feel…
Clutch - are you starting up a group for this or is everything going to happen on this thread?
I'm starting my Whole30 today!
So after this...I decided I needed to make a roast!
I throw it in a crock pot with no other liquid, shred it and then load on a bunch of homemade BBQ sauce and eat it over a sweet potato or on my favorite cabbage with bacon saute.. NOM.
I took me 10 tries to get it down, but I've mastered it in my food processor. I'm tempted to try the immersion blender so I don't have to deal with pouring in the olive oil.
Feel free to add me. I've been dabbling in this for about a year and have recently decided to go 100%, including no drinking. It's going to be hard, but worth it!
Feel free to add me too! I'm still learning a ton and have a long way to go, but I'm getting there. Welcome!
This is what I do. I lift heavy 2x a week and for sure walk on those days. The day following a lifting session is my "rest" day but I still walk (so 2x a week) and then I do the C25K the other 3 days a week.
I could get down with this for sure.
Yesterday the hot dog was processed, the burger was not (I hand make them and freeze them). I typically don't eat processed food, but I'm not saying I couldn't clean it up. Damn wine. :) Thanks for the input guys. Sometimes you just need to hear it again...and maybe even again.
I see what you're saying. :) I'm pretty much always at at least 50% fat, without even trying. Someone gave me those macros once, I honestly don't mind them very often other than when my pie chart shows up on my iPad. Thus the question...I've been told to up my protein so I'm trying.
LOTS of info! Thank you! It'll take me a bit to get through it all, but the base of what I'm seeing is that maybe 100 is a more realistic goal? That should totally be doable for me. I don't eat much chicken, and when I do it's thighs.
Sorry...I missed a big old NOT NOT NOT in my post. :) I eat fat all the time. Another piece of info that may help, I CrossFit twice a week. I don't typically eat carbs outside of veggies.
Definitely scared of fat! My diet is dominantly fat but my coach said should be shooting for my weight *.07 in protein (I have a ton of fat to lose) so that's like 160g! My diary is now open, I haven't been tracking every day. I have my macros at 30/30/40 c/f/p
This made my freaking day
The pups have been on 100% raw for a week now and we have had no throwing up or any other issues (that we can see). So glad we made the move and are in it for life! :)
He says everything is too expensive. We just got back from a $400 vet visit where we confirmed this is going to be a long term thing. He found out how much the prescription dog food will be and is now on board with the raw food. He does hunt....which is one of the things I pointed out to him. I didn't grow up in a hunting…
Thanks everyone! We feed them more expensive food now...Nutro something another, but there still are fillers. I've been wanting to move them onto raw but my hubz thinks it's too much money. At this point that doesn't matter anymore and I want them to be healthy. I will for sure be doing some more research! Thank you!…
Just placed an order for both the gelatin and tea! Thanks for the tip! I've been struggling a little with my protein intake. :)
My box isn't doing it but I'm challenge crashing and joining another box's team. You don't have to go strict if you don't think you can do it. There are 3 levels to pick from. Rx YES: Sweet potatoes and yams Intermediate YES: Sweet potatoes, yams, brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, and buckwheat, wild rice, as well as corn and…
I tried it with 3 yolks, maple syrup and cinnamon. Delicious!!
Yesterday we did: “MARY” – 20 Minute AMRAP 5 HSPU (Sub 5 Strict BB Presses) 10 Pistols 15 Pull-ups
For me, it's getting "easier" to do the movements the correct way. It gets "easier" because I'm getting better at knowing what the movements on the board are. It get's "easier" because I feel more confident walking through the doors. Every work out is always hard. That's why I go. As soon as the WOD is easy, what's the…