

  • Thanks for these thoughtful replies. I am a consistent exerciser, even on the road, so I've got that going for me...but I need to nail the diet side of the equation. I think pre planning could be the game changer I need. Again, thank you. Feeling more confident about it..
  • I am exactly the same way, and I've given up bread, and baked goods for Lent. It's been hard, but I feel great I've been able to stick with it.. I generally agree with the common sense advice to not to eliminate entire groups, but honestly, cereal is just something I cannot have in my life, and i cut it out about 6 years…
  • Ive never posted anything in one of these forums, but you pose an interesting question...I really need to give some thought to "non scale victories".... I guess for now I can feel good about diminished cravings, quitting coffee, and better skin. Thanks. You look great by the way. Be proud of your accomplishments.