

  • Very encouraging words. Thank you! I'm definitely going to try harder to limit how often I weigh in because I was discouraged to the point that I almost didn't even work out this morning. But I did overcome :). I wouldn't think my battery would need changing so soon but since so many people are suggesting it I guess I'll…
    in Help me!! Comment by rkj89 July 2012
  • I've officially weighed in for a loss of 0 today but I sound a lot like you. I've had a bowel movement but definitely not a "proper" on as you've said. At least not since the scale jumped back up. I'm also drinking the correct amounts of water in my life for the first time ever. It's a struggle but I'm quite proud of…
    in Help me!! Comment by rkj89 July 2012
  • Thanks for all the replies everyone! As far as the scale, I weigh at the same time each day, in the same location, and the scale is fairly new. But I'll definitely check out the batteries. I felt bloated yesterday & I still do today and there's no change on the scale. I want to point out that I don't expect to lose loads…
    in Help me!! Comment by rkj89 July 2012