This is awesome! Do you mind if I post this on my FB to encourage even my NON-MFP friends to join this cause???
2 Eggs Whites 1/3-1/2 cup of Crushed Melba Toast .5-1 tsp of Italian Seasoning Chicken Breasts ( I use the tenderloin strips) 4-6oz of spinach or whole wheat pasta 1 Cup Marinara 4 tbsp of FRESH grated parmesan BEAT EGG WHITES UNTIL SLIGHTLY FROTHY. MIX BREADCRUMBS, SEASONING & 2 TBSP PARMESAN CHEESE IN PIE PLATE. DIP…
Ronny, Sometimes I find that I am burning enough of my own stored "energy" when I work out that I am less hungry as well. Or that the hormone highs induced from a good workout will supress my urge to eat. This can be a good thing in some cases, but if you aren't getting the nutrients and proteins you need to recover then…