

  • I'm 5"3 and a half. I tell people I'm 5"5 though. I dunno my build but since the last time I was 125lbs my body fat percentage was still too high and my stomach was flat but not even a hint of abs though I did sit ups each night hoping. I had a small waist but heavy in the chest and bottom so I wore a 10 but tailored the…
  • Living with temptation daily is tough. Tips that help me: 1. Fill up before dinner. A lite soup for 100 calories. A fiber rich granola bar. Turkey sandwich on lite bread with fat free cheese is about 200 calories. If you use a saucer instead of a plate then you can have a few bites of the yummy stuff at dinner and keep…
  • I weigh myself almost daily. I measure once a month. I know that it might go up and down but it helps me keep my nutrition in mind and if numbers go up too much for too many days in a row I know I need to check my routine. Am I sleeping enough? Am I running the same route too often? Am I eating more junk food and saturated…
  • LMAO!!!!!!! Mine is so far off I'm embarrassed. But I figure I am okay so long as I dont get pulled over. I got a citation and realized it said I was 165lbs I remember thinking "OMG! Who weights 165?!?!?!" Then I remember that I was about 190 when I did that. . .
  • I tell my S.O my GENERAL weight. I didn't tell him exact numbers. He knows that I am over 200 and when I was 231lbs (my highest) he figured I was 10-15lbs lighter. When I was gainning I didn't want him to know even though he needs to lose about 80lbs himself. Smh. . . But now that I am losing weight he can look at the…
  • I know how you feel. I use a body meda armband and websites never calculate my workouts the same. I will leave for my walk at a certain time and then when I come home I log on and check and my armband will report that I burned 795 calories between x time and y time while on my 5 mile walk but online will tell me that I…