Ahelmicki Member


  • You look great and congrats on getting into those pre pregnancy jeans.... I am trying to get there. When I got pregnant with my first daughter I was 130# after she was born 160# two years later 185# (OMG HOW DID I GET TO THAT POINT) When I got pregnant for my second I was 185# after she was born 10 weeks ago I was back to…
  • Feel free to add me I am a mom to 2 girls 2 1/2 and 8 weeks. I am looking to lose that baby weight and get back to my weight when my husband and I met. only 28 lbs to go !!!
  • Hi! I have a 2 1/2 year old and a 10 week old and I am really trying hard to get back to my before baby weight. I would love to be the same weight I was when my husband and I met. I actually lost over 20lbs with my last pregnancy somehow, probably because I was so overweight when I got pregnant, then I started eating…
  • Feel free to add me, I'm 23 and just starting my journey today. Most of my friends don't need to lose a single pound I could really use the encouragement of others in the same position as me. :)