

  • I'm like one good day and I loose it again for one week, why can't i just have some control over what I eat... I hate the feeling of giving up, not bothering, because i just can't pick my self up, yes one day and I binge again. Why is there no friends on myfitnesspal?
  • I am in too!!! Day one I started to drink at least 8 glasses of water. Day 2 I will walk 30mins on my work days. The rest I'll keep posting. Plus I am now 150lbs, by day 100 I will loose 30lbs and see 120lbs!!!
  • Used to drink 6-8 cups a day loaded with evaporated milk, now because I have to lose weight I cut out the milk and can only drink 1-2 max black coffee - yucks!!! Still I drink because I think I crave for the caffiene.... :-)