

  • I have a Specialized mountain bike. I bought it in 1988, and still love it! We actually got it on half price (regularly $750) because it was an unusually small one (the last year they made a mini-version, or so I'm told). It's perfect for me (5'1"). In my 30's I did a lot of off-road biking, but hung up the bike once my…
    in Bikes Comment by TigerStrong58 July 2012
  • lo13264 -- I've been where you are. At 35, I had my first child and went home from the hospital weighing 100 pounds. At 40, I weighed 112, and at 50 was 143. When I was 30 and couldn't gain weight, I never dreamed I could ever weigh nearly half again as much! Several times I started workout programs, but after a few…
  • yep. I'm 54.