cherimckim Member


  • I'm joining this late, but could use some support for some bad late night eating habits. My brand new commitment to myself is to log everything no matter what. (I have found that I tend to go with the philosophy that if I don't log it, it didn't happen.) I usually eat great all day, but something about nighttime really…
  • Hi, my name is Cheri. I'm a SAHM (of three) and wife (for now, that is) and I LOVE to work out with weights and run. I struggled with an ED throughout my twenties, but one day decided to leave that behind, so I did. I became a happy, healthy wife and mom-but could not seem to be able to get to my goal weight without…
  • I'm 39 and my big birthday is in 2 months! I'm completely motivated to get to my goal weight around then so I can honestly say that I feel better at 40 than I ever have. I like where I'm at! I'm a married mom of three and I'm lucky to get this chance to stay at home for now-add me :)