

  • With my HRM I can set my weight, height, age and activity level. My lower end Heart rate is around 135 and my higher end heart rate is 158. My maximum is 192. I usually try and stay between the high end and low end for the best workouts. My calories burned depends on the workout and how much effort I put into it. When I do…
  • for those of you just starting out, know that you will get stronger every day – maybe not so much that you notice the difference day to day or week to week, but if you stick with it, a year from now you will be stronger, faster and have more vitality than you do now – and you WILL feel the difference. Thank you for your…
  • I too have a hubby who wants to eat healthy and says that he will, but never really does. We, as a family, have always done things together mostly involving going out to dinner and always including drinks. The other day we went out to our favorite bar and grill. I had of course, saved some extra calories and worked out…
  • Ive lost 9pounds, i was hoping for 10. I hit it the day after my weigh in day.