msalamun Member


  • Welcome! And best of luck in your fitness journey! If you ever need some answers, this community is great and you'll get plenty of help. So post away!
  • Welcome back! You got this! Remember, we're always here to support you! So don't give up! This is YOUR year!
  • I eat dinner fairly late as well, around 8:30/9:00pm. I also eat 5 others meals throughout the day so it get's kinda tough to fit them all in by a certain time. However, I would recommend eat dinner at least 2 hours before going to bed. In that time, your body is still digesting the food and raises your blood sugar a…
  • Other than putting it into MFP, you could calculate it yourself as well. Personally, I prefer the Harris-Benedict formula which is as follows: Women: BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years ) You can use this site to quickly calculate your BMR:…
  • I've done Les Mills Combat and I have to say it's one of my favorite workout programs! You can burn as many calories as you do in Insanity, but you don't feel nearly as spent. If you really want the results though, you MUST MUST MUST eat right. So follow that nutrition plan!
  • I would label that as moderate activity. Sedentary is what I do for work - constantly sitting - and so lightly is just above that. But what you describe is a lot more walking which should be above what is considered lightly active. I also wouldn't go above moderate since that seems to get into more physical labor for…
  • Welcome to the community! And that's a great start already! Congratulations! Keep up the great work! And best of luck in "prepping" for Insanity. I've done a few rounds of that program myself. I know how intense that one gets. But loved it! I acutally started on my fitness journey through Insanity, too. So definitely would…
  • Hey! Welcome to the site. The community here is great and can give you encouragement whenever you need it! I'm sure you already know this, but to really "lean out" and lose those "last few pounds," you have to eat very clean. "Abs are made in the kitchen." And this site is great for tracking all you macros so you eat…
  • Hey Greg! Welcome to the site! Accountability is great here - just make sure you log EVERYTHING! and don't be afraid to ask a question or post on the message boards. We're all here to give you the support you need! Feel free to add me as a friend on here!
  • Feel free to add me. I'm here to help motivate and support however I can!
  • That is a great transformation! Awesome job! Keep it up!
  • Feel free to add me! And this site is great for motivation and support. I, too, ate a lot of fast food in college, but I've lost a lot of the weight that I had gained as well. Just got to stick with it. I know eating right in college is tough, but definitely try buying frozen fruits and veggies - those will definitely help…
  • I think you just have to commit to it. If it's important to you, you will find the time! For me, exercise is very important to me, so I get up at 5am to get ready and workout. That's the best time for me because it's before the rest of my day really gets started, and usually when I come home I don't have the same…
  • The best motivation, I think, comes from within. Ask yourself, "Why? Why do you want to do this? Why do you want to live a happie and healthier life? What will you get out of it?" Knowing your own motivation can help so much more than other people's encouraging comments (not that those don't help, because they do!). And…
  • First of all, welcome to the site! This community is here to help you and give you all the support and encouragement you need to stay on track. Next, I would set a goal for yourself. It can be almost anything. Pick a goal that will help motivate you and push to where you want to be. A good way to help determine your goal…
  • Welcome back! Feel free to add me.
    in Hello Comment by msalamun October 2014
  • 40 pages and still going strong! Awesome! Feel free to add me as well!
  • Insanity is great! One of my favorite workout programs, and I've done multiple rounds of it! The best advice I can tell you is to just stick with it, but don't push yourself to injury. Yes, it's hard. Yes, it's tiring. But it's a great way to get in great shape! And believe me, the warm-up does get easier. Don't be afraid…
  • Welcome back! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • First of all, Welcome! And I must say that I truly admire your perseverance. You are a great inspiration for this community, to continually go after your goals no matter what! You'll fit right in, and we'll give you all the support and motivation you need. And pass it along by finding friends (you can go ahead and add me!)…
  • Welcome! The community is great for motivation and support! Feel free to add me as a friend! And don't be afraid to ask questions and post your thoughts! You got this!
  • Welcome! But you shouldn't think of this as "dieting." It should not be a quick fix. Try to focus on this as a lifestyle change for the better! Logging what you eat to be able to live a happy and healthy life. And if you feel you need more accountability, add some friends (yes! you can add me!) for additional support and…
  • Feel free to add me and almost anyone on this site. We're here to help support and motivate. If you're looking for additional accountability, you can also join groups that are similar to your goals or interests. And it doesn't matter if you're trying to lose weight, gain weight, or just maintain, this we're all here to…
  • Yes, as long as you are under your calorie requirements for TDEE (i.e. eating at a deficiet), you will lose weight. Exercise helps burn more calories for faster results. However, without a proper diet, you will soon plateau and will not see the further results you want. You will not get that much lower body fat percentage…
  • Welcome! Be sure to log your food and complete your diary and post a lot! People will see your activity and come flocking with support and motivation. You know you got this and you will succeed! Go ahead and add me and I'll shout out with encouragements and likes to keep you going!
  • Welcome! This site is great for its community and support. We're always here to help give you motivation when you need it. Go ahead and add me!
  • Welcome! And we are here to support you, too! I want to let you know that you can do this! And we are all rooting for you! And if you don't think that is enough, then really really focus on that "why" you said. You want to do this for your kids. You want to be there for them for a long time. So ask yourself, "What will it…
  • Hey! I've done the 21 Day Fix twice through and got some great results from both rounds. I just followed the workouts and the meal plan (love portion control via color-coded containers rather than macros - so much simpler). But ultimately it's up to you and knowing your body. On some days I definitely felt like I didn't…
  • "Just keep swimming!" Or rather, just keep walking. Just put one foot in front of the other and go do it! It will probably be a little difficult at first, but keep at it and it will become easier and easier to do. And take those baby steps. No one is expecting a complete lifestyle change overnight. This journey towards a…
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me! And best of luck on your journey, and know we're all here to help you along the way!