msalamun Member


  • You should eat more! If you're under 1200 calories (let's generously say you eat 1100) and you burn 350 at the gym, your body is only working on 850 calories. That is NOT healthy and it is NOT sustainable. You may lose weight at first, but you will soon plateau resulting in a damaged metabolism that thinks it's in…
  • I'm going to echo what's been said above, but it's all good info. Eat smaller meals spaced out 2-3 hours apart. That's a great way to get what you need to keep you from being hungry but also light and often enough to get your metabolism going. And drink plenty of water! Most people mistake dehydration for hunger and end up…
  • It's really gonna come down to nutrition, even more than working out. First, you'll need to eat at a surplus - more calories than your body needs at maintenance. Depending on how much you want to gain and how fast will determine how much of a surplus you want to consume. 1 pound = 3,500 calories, if you want to be gaining…
  • Weightlifting! Incorporating weightlifting or resistance training into your workouts will do wonders for losing inches and getting toned. And before you say you don't want to get bulky, don't worry, you won't. Women do not have the necessary amount of testosterone in their bodies to bulk up from weightlifting like men.…
  • I highly recommend picking up a caliper and doing it yourself. They're really cheap, usually available at any health and fitness store, and still the most accurate method of measuring body fat. Here's a site that tells you where to measure on your body to determine your body fat percentage:…
  • Awesome! Just started my 3rd month this past Monday. I love it! Bring It!
  • A Sports thread - yeah! NFL: Green Bay Packers NBA: Don't watch MLB: Chicago Cubs NFL: Chicago Blackhawks College: University of Arizona (alma mater, Bear Down!) Feel free to shot me a friend invite! Always happy to meet other sports fanatics!
  • Yep, we're all over this site! And if you haven't joined a gaming community here on MFP yet, go ahead and check this one out!
  • How much over is a "bit" for your macros? If you're only a few over or under, don't sweat it in the least. Trying to hit your calories and macros perfectly is nearly futile. No need to go insane about it (I've done that before and NEVER again). Now if you're hitting your macros nearly spot on but not near your calorie…
    in Macros Comment by msalamun June 2015
  • Check out - there's plenty on body weight exercises there.
  • Welcome to the club! You got this! We're here for you!
  • Personally, I count the end of the day at the time I go to bed, whether that's at 10pm or 2am. And then my next day begins when I wake up. Honestly, it's not super important to track on which "day" your snack should count. Do whichever works best for you. You aren't going to see huge changes from day to day. Ultimately,…
  • Ideally, a weight loss rate of 1lb/week (or in kg, about 2-3kg/week) is very good. People with even more body fat to lose can drop even faster, but losing more than 2lbs/week (4-5kg/week) is probably not all that healthy and sometimes very difficult to sustain and keep off. So shoot for something like that. 1lb = 3,500…
  • One of my favorite snacks is mixing cottage cheese, chocolate protein powder, and PB2. Tastes similar to a creamy Reese's but MUCH healthier, of course. I've done a similar thing but with Greek Yogurt, too. Also, I use PB2 a lot in my shakes - protein powder, PB2, and various fruits (banana, blueberries, strawberries, etc.)
  • Not sure which game turned me into a "gamer" so to say. Played many in my younger days and have kinda just continued since. My first game EVER was Super Mario World on the SNES - that I do remember vividly, my parents getting the SNES as a Christmas present. That newfound love was soon followed up by Legend of Zelda: ALTTP…
  • Not entirely sure what your macros are, but on most days you seem to be quite a bit below on carbs and higher on fat. Carbs are the main source of energy for the body, and with the right amounts it is stored as glucose in the blood stream (blood sugar) and used as needed, especially for intense workouts. Too much of it…
    in need help Comment by msalamun June 2015
  • Find your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). This is the total number of calories your body burns throughout the day, and you can include exercise in there as well. Eating at that amount will put you at maintenance. Alternatively, you can also find your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and multiply that by your activity…
  • If you're only a week into your new diet and exercise regimen, it could very well be water retention. When you change what you eat and exercise in a way that you're not accustomed to doing, your body needs to adapt, and it does this by first holding onto water in its system - you know, just in case kinda thing. Keep at it,…
  • A healthy weight loss is about 1-2 pounds a week. At 143lbs, working out twice a week with walking, I would aim for 1 pound a week. 1 pound = ~3,500 calories. So if you factor in what you eat and the exercise you get and total a caloric deficit of 3,500 calories (or about 500 calories each day), you can lose at least 6…
  • The best thing is to just start where you can. Start by tracking your food - EVERYTHING that you eat goes into your diary here on MFP. That will show you not only how many calories you are actually consuming, but then also what adjustments you need to make to hit the right numbers. Also, start doing some exercise. It…
  • Losing the last few pounds is always the hardest. Best advice is tighten up your nutrition. Can you go a little lower on your calories without putting yourself into starvation mode? That will help. Cut out those cheat meals and those extra bites here and there you might be taking. Eat more green veggies - low in calories,…
  • You want something light for pre-workouts. Personally, I take just a pre-workout powder with water. But food-wise, 1/2 a banana or an orange is good. Having a little bit of simple carbs, like fruit, is great because it gives your body glucose, which becomes stored energy in the bloodstream, that it will use first during…
  • I love broccoli, but I know what you mean. Gotta change it up sometimes. For other greens, I love green beans, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, and kale. Steam or sautee in olive oil and season (granted, sautee Brussel Sprouts takes a bit longer so I sometimes prefer to bake them in my toaster oven, too). For non-greens, I…
    in Veggies Comment by msalamun May 2015
  • That's great to hear! Awesome job! Keep it up!
    in A great NSV Comment by msalamun May 2015
  • Hey, kaylanoelle! Welcome to the group! It's a great site with a bunch of people all together on their journey for health and fitness. So you're in good hands! If you need some motivation, I have 2 things to ask. First, have you joined an accountability group or a group of people to help keep you motivated? I know this…
  • Hey, Jamie! Welcome to the club! Awesome of you to start on your health and fitness goals right here. If you ever have questions, you know you just have to ask here on the message boards. Everyone here is around to help you out! Feel free to add me and best of luck on journey!
  • Congrats on your progress so far! Whether your goal is 5 pounds or 50 pounds, you got to start with the first pound, and you've already got it! Just remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint. Stay on track with your nutrition, get some exercise, and you'll reach your goal before you know it!
  • First of all, awesome job so far! That's a great transformation! If you've heard of the 80/20 rule, it's especially true for health and fitness. To really get the best results, it comes from 80% of your diet and 20% of your time in the gym. Those last few pounds are always the hardest to lose. Tighten up your nutrition -…
  • I cannot attest to personal success with this, but I know it will work! While this is a bit of an oversimplification, it's about calories in and calories out. As long as you're consuming calories at a deficit (eating fewer calories than your body burns throughout the day), you will lose weight. Now the larger the deficit,…
  • You didn't gain it overnight and you won't lose it overnight either. Go for consistent weight loss, not dramatic. Along this line, the best I can suggest is to first start tracking what you eat - all of it! If you want to change something, you need to track it. This will give you an idea what where you are currently and…