Sounds like you have a plan... Good luck.
Good luck, kiddo.
Alcohol, especially Blackmaker... :(
You could make a Protein Shake...
That's it... Lots of cardio chasing dodgy villains... Looks like for 30 days you eat 30 bananas a day... That's weird.
Check out Tapout XT... It's by Mike Karpenko. Not a massive amount of jumping.
Tuna Salad... Yaaay!
Try Optimum or EAS, they are very good tasting Protein Shakes. Just not Orange Dream by Optimum, it's not good. I knwo Optimum has a Variety Pack you can buy. Not sure about EAS.
Married within 7 months of meeting my wife... We went to the court house, got married, went out to eat, went home, changed and went to work.
You need to do research, watch youtube videos, watch infomercials... You won't be able to complete the Program if you dislike the Personal Trainer. Suggestions are all fine and good, but you need to research.... I would suggest Anything by Beach Body. I currently am doing Tapout XT, and I love it. But you may hate it.…
Bring your own food.... Being "That Person" or "That Couple" isn't a big deal. People generally learn to respect it, or don't... Of course I guess you could try to hide that you are trying to eat well, like a crazy person.
Male and Female Beauceron... They were meant to be bred, but we decided against it. Recently rescued a Husky Sheltie mix...
Tuna! Mercury Man!
I wonder if Defrosting has any effect, sometimes... Then I grill it and eat it, and forget about it.
I would say the tell everyone all of that at your next meeting... Give it one more go, if it fails, scrap the whole thing. You're putting up with a lot.
Want to spend massive amounts of money? WW! Want a free diary? MFP!
It's not.
My wife is 7 years out of Roux-en-Y, so she definitely understands your plight. It is going to be a hard road. But you'll make it.
Believe it or not, Tomatos...
I could never afford to shop at Lulu Lemon. That would be very frivolous spending, right there...
I take a multi, Glucosamin, (used to do CLA but cannot afford it) and ZMA.
Try drinking more water. The soreness and 'hunger' may be a symptom of dehydration. Also you probably need to up your Calorie intake and Protein, like others have suggested. Drink more water. Water. Not Tea, or anything else. Try to drink your 8 glasses a day at least, of water, only water can count towards your 8 glasses,…
I fry two eggs (plus 1 eggwhte) and eat with Breakstone Low Fat Cottage Cheese... It's only 378 calories.
Yoga XT
It was Muscletech 10000% more muscle and what not.
Unless your consuming competition levels of Protein, then you're fine. Gained 45lbs of muscle... haha nice sarcasm there. Check this out ( is king)
Buy some good quality running shoes. I bought a $130 pair of Asics, a few years ago, and am very happy with them. I'm not saying go with Asics, but don't go buy some cheap $20 shoes at Walmart.
Own any electrical device. :P