usfirefly Member


  • hello everybody!! If you don't mind i would like to join. My cw is 165lbs and gw at christmas is 145lbs. I am not sure i will be able to lose that much in that time, but i will try to come as close as i can to that goal!
  • this is fun. I am from north germany, and went to south america for 2years. leaving me with a southern drawl, and a german accent if i talk in english and just the southern thing when i talk german. :) to be more specific I was in eastern Oklahoma. :) Loved it!
  • This is such an inspiration! Thank you for posting it. I am also 5f 1inch and i started mid january at 195lbs. I haven't nearly accomplished as much as you but to see somebody that is as tall as me beeing able to do it gives me a bunch of hope and encouragement. you look totally stunning!! I am at 165lbs at the moment.…
  • sounds interessting, i might try this sometime! if i can find all the ingredience... thank you for posting it!
  • it was great to read all the storys, So interessting what motivates diffrent people. I always knew that i wanted to get married and have children. beginning of january when I moved into my own appartment and practically had nobody to watch what i ate or did, i figured that would be the perfect time to start. I am really…
  • Here are my little 2 cents to the subject. I am also an expierienced juicer and I can just say to all those people warning about it, that it is something to do. Not nessesairly because of the weightloss (that is just a little bonus) but because fasting makes you healthier, tumors, rashes, allergies, and alot more have been…
  • I want to get married before I turn 25 I need a guy for that. But I am so crazy I will probably never find anybody to marry me.
  • My period got pretty regular once I started exercising. But if I slack It is gone again, it really seems to depent on my activity and my exercises done. I have it pretty regular every month now, but the longest I have been without was I think 8 month.
  • I do have curly hair, I usually just use regular shampoo, and I don't like the feel that conditioners leave to my hair, but I found, that vinegar is great! So if I feel that my hair need some extra care I rinse them with vinegar after I washed them. Also rinsing my hair with cold water leaves them more shiny and not as…
  • I have the same problem, I ride my bike practically everywhere if I am not walking, so I got calfs out of steal! sad though that I can't wear boots,I would love to wear some cute boots, but there is no way... and skinny jeans will never be for me they just never fit...
  • Hello, I understand what you mean, I have PCOS too, and I do have the belly to prove it. I am 5'1 so fairly small, and I am still 169lbs so I am still overweight all the way arround, but The belly is the worst. I noticed since i started loosing weight, that the belly is probably the last thing to go... I look more and more…
  • I am also always cold! buurrrrr actually I am constantly freezing, I hope my body adjusts more cause this is a little to extreme... Also the collarbones and hipbones and rips I can feel, and yes my shoes are to big too, actually i was kinda happy about that, It was a good excuse to get new ones. I discoverd today that I…
  • I am 5,1 SW = 194 pounds GW= arround 120- 130 pounds feel free to add me if you like.
  • hello everybody, I am also in that boat.. trying to loose weight with PCOS. fairly new to MFP to, so feel free to add me!