

  • Started beginning of September, so I'm on the recovery week right now. Still very sore after every workout. 1st Fit Test: Switch Kicks: 50 Power Jacks: 30 Power Knees: 60 Power Jumps 25 Globe Jumps: 6 Suicide Jumps: 13 Push-up Jacks: 25 Low Plank Oblique: 30 2nd Fit Test: Switch Kicks: 68 Power Jacks: 40 Power Knees: 60…
  • Thanks for the advice everybody! Trying to switch things up by doing Insanity! It's kicking my butt
  • Here some links to exercises to do:…
  • You don't need to lose weight. You need to tone up. Weight isn't every thing. Sounds like you're skinny-fat. You weigh less but have excess skin. Just maintain your weight and exercise more. Start lifting more weights to tone your body. Weight isn't everything, you have to look at stuff like Body Fat %, hip-to-weigh ratio,…
  • You have to force yourself to exercise first. After about a month or so when you're used to the routine, you'll get motivation to exercise. Now when I exercise I get a exercise high. When I don't exercise I feel lazy. It's kinda like a drug, you need to try it first before you become addicted.
  • SW: 155 CW: 145 GW: 150 UGW: 135 8/2: 155 8/9: 152 8/16: 150 8/23: 148 8/30: 145 Total weight lost 10 pounds in August! I have 10 more pounds to lose by Halloween. I heard the last few pounds are the hardest. Good luck everybody, go for your goals!
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