Its_Nat Member


  • Sighhhh lol.. I get "OMG look at that big husky" and "omg HE'S such a BIG boy". She's a girl.. and she's an Alaskan Malamute lol Pisses me off intensely. I actually have had a t-shirt made up.. saying, she's not a husky, she's a malamute!
  • Nicely written - and very informative. Thanks!
  • I'm a little jealous lol, my girl is currently sitting in the only air conditioned room in our house!
  • Centre of my bra if I'm wearing it - otherwise hooked to the waist band of whatever I'm wearing on the bottom half lol
    in Fitbit. Comment by Its_Nat January 2013
  • Ohhhh I lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve this recipe - so gonna try it! My fave flavours of all time!
  • I buy sparkling natural mineral water - only ingredient is Carbonated Water.
  • Hi there, I'm 47 and I've lost 30pounds so far, and have between 10 to 20 pounds to go - (depending on how I feel/look when I lose the first 10). I'm taking it nice and slow, and don't go crazy over gyms or cardio. Feel free to friend me if you like. :smile:
  • No idea. Not been on a scale for a few weeks, but have definitely enjoyed the festivities of Christmas (quite deliberately), and WILL enjoy a very happy (and merry) New Years Eve. Whether I've gained or not, doesn't bother me. If I gained, it will go again once I'm back at work and on my normal routine. If I lost.. yay to…
  • Good for you! Well done Sarah!
  • I've ummmed and ahhhhed about buying one for a few months now. My kids can go through soft drinks some weeks like it's going out of fashion. Often wondered if they taste decent? If I can make carbonated water out of it.. then I'd be laughing as that's all I drink.
  • Majority of the time I'm an Optimist, always happy go lucky. When it comes to alcohol though, I'm a pessimistic, glass half full (read empty) kinda gal eg.: "oh ffs.. it was full the last time I looked, WHO drank it???"
  • Ohhhh yes.. Ice Cream - full fat.. my Summer friend to keep up the cals!! lol Personal favourite is Blue Ribbon Vanilla, or Blue Ribbon 3 in 1 Fruit Basket.. YUMMMMMMMMMMMO!!!
  • I remember one of my son's soccer coaches years back, telling me to NOT freeze his water bottle as ambient temperature water was far better for him. He did say why, but I can't remember. It never stopped me then, and doesn't stop me now. Living in a hot climate, cold water is necessary as far as I'm concerned lol, it heats…
  • Sighhhhh soooooooooo didn't need that song stuck in my head!
  • Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wow! Just.. WOW! You men are just amazing!
  • The Nike thingy is more exy, I saw that much when I googled lol. I have a Fitbit Ultra - and love it to pieces. Having said that - I don't do aerobics, or breakdancing etc - so it tracks my normal daily activity and lets me know what I've burned. Perfect for me. It depends on what you enjoy doing, and what your activity…
  • Might have to hunt this PB2 down I think!
  • I love my Fitbit Ultra (his name is Felix by the way, his predecessor Frank had a holiday in the washing machine). I have panic attacks if I've taken him off and forgotten where I've put him (I did that this morning, he was happily charging on the dock). I'd love the Aria scale, I don't quite trust my own. It's such a lot…
  • your stats: age. height. starting weight and current weight. goal weight. how long you've been on your diet. rating of self-esteem: on a scale of one to ten, where was your self-esteem before you started your journey? on that same scale, where are you now or has it not changed? Age: 47, Female Height: 165cm Starting…
  • I wish I knew. Making friends when you're older is so much harder. I'm very anti-social through choice, but I'm realising that's not such a good thing anymore. I work in a very small practice, so only have a few friends via that - and the majority of my school friends I'm no longer in contact with (again, my choice lol, I…
  • Go you!!! I'm so with you. I know I won't be working out for the rest of my life, so I've simply changed my eating patterns, and doing whatever exercise I actually enjoy ( which is a few weights, and walking one of my dogs).. that's it. I'm lazy too lol - but, it works for me. I eat back any exercise calories I use - and…
  • I'm way older, but Aussie lol, there's quite a few of us on here!
  • OMG I know lol - you get all excited, then you look again and your shoulders slump, you take a deep breath.. and search for the item manually!
  • I know right? lol And any ideas what the hell Tomate Crude is? I wonder who on earth was in charge of the barcodes the day this bottle was labelled?? lol
  • I was a huge wine drinker before I started. I simply decided to quit week days, and drink only on Friday/Saturday nights - as long as I stayed within my calorie limit. If you want to drink more, simply exercise more that day to give yourself more calories to play with. It's worked for me so far :drinker:
  • Bumping this to keep track of. I'm nowhere near maintenance, but it's interesting to see what works for everyone.
  • Congrats on starting. It becomes quite addictive. If you give it half a chance, it WILL work!
  • I have the Fitbit Ultra.. and I LOVE it! Never leave home without Felix :love: and I never log any exercise anymore, makes life sooo much easier.
  • I used to do this with my kids, when they were growing up. We'd sit at the dinner table, and have a 'best thing' and 'worst thing' of the day. If nothing else, it was always a great convo starter for children that said nothing had happened lol. As for me today, I think my favourite moment is yet to come. I haven't done any…