

  • Sore and newly worked muscles wil retain water. Looking at this not so literal I know what you mean by muscle weighs more than fat, basicly muscle is dense vs fat but it takes a lil bit to build muscle not just overnight. Don't get on the scale for a month, if your eating right and drinking water you can't go wrong.
  • Try edys slow churned icecream they have several flavors its only 120 calories and tastes great, you could probably get away with a serving of choco dip once in a while with it. Try eating it really sloooow with a baby spoon that might help with not eating more than you really wanted to. If there is something specific u…
  • That sux the lemon pepper dident go well. I have done it with fish on he grill....take a decent size piece of foil and lay your fish on it put a lil olive oil, lemon juice, pepper, salt, fresh garlic, and lil bit of onion and wrap the foil up like a pocket but don't over cook the fish! I'm a fan of stir fry too
  • I got a good head start with water consumption today with around 100oz....let the pee flow lol. That cabot chese I get from wallmart in our area. Another yummy snack is baked scoopz and salsa yum! Keep up the good work and we will get this party rollin Monday with starting weights.....thanx all!
  • I think this week we should work on water intake. Let's take half our current weight and turn that into the oz we should drink daily....hmmm that's a lot of oz's;-) so if I weigh 330 I need to drink 165oz water a day. This will be a great start to our group bc water intake is sometimes over looked but important to our well…
  • One of my favorite snacks is 50% reduced pepperjack mad by cabot with turey pepperoni and some kind of high fiber cracker.....remember stuff dosent always have to be reduced fat or calories, I'm not sayin twinkies but you can find decent stuff that's 'real' just read your lables:-).....a few examples is I hate reduced…
  • Hello all looks like we got a great start so far with some cool members.....maybe we can get this started b4 monday . To all that have already started your awsum keep up the great wrk!! I need to get some grocerys and will start soon...team420 ready to burn um!! By tha way spelling don't count here haha
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