

  • I have been there (believe it or not I used to be a runner and a competitive swimmer). Stubborn plateaus (sp?) as you apporach your ideal weight are your bodies way of telling you that you are where you should be. You can fight below those points...but your body will try hard to put that weight back on. What is left out of…
  • Nicely done!:drinker:
  • :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: Way to go! Hang in there!
  • BTW..the only reason it did not stick...when my wife (and I am not blaming her) stopped going to the meetings due to pregnancy...she got off plan...and we never came back. Recently, when we decide it was time...we decided to do this website instead.
  • I did ww and loved it. The 2 things I loved most: 1) Using a Palm - they have these programs that you can download that do basically what this site does. 2) The flex plan...I used to go out to the movies and to eat every Sunday. I would save up my points and use them then. What was cool about that was that most restaurants…
  • Everyone's body is different. And responds differently to weight loss. That also changes as you age. It is safe to lose weight (reasonably) without exercise. But that said...with exercise: 1) Weight loss is faster. 2) You can do specific exercises to keep from losing muscle mass. 3) You will feel better about yourself…