

  • East Central Illinois -- about 3 hrs from Chicago, and 90 minutes from Indy.
  • So sorry it has taken me a while to reply to everyones posts. All of these have been great encouragement! And most importantly, everyone has made change to better themselves. Even if you have 10 lbs to lose or over 100, the fact is, is that everyone is trying. I have been, not so good the last few wks and after measuring…
  • Welcome! I too need to lose lots of weight. I am a 30 yr old mother of a very active 4 yr old, and I really hate that I am not as active as I once was, and could be. I've been on here since July and have lost right around 10 lbs. It hasn't been easy getting it to come off, and I still find myself wavering toward those bad…
  • I've done similar things as well, today included. I just have to dust myself off and get back on the horse. Weight loss isn't easy, but through motivation and encouragement, I think anyone can do anything.
  • I work in a grocery store and I'm surrounded by food, sodas, beer, wine, candy, and other things for 8 hrs a day. I have been doing really good to either take stuff with me to snack on or eat on my break, and drinking lots of water. I haven't had a Mt Dew in 10 days and feel really good about it. But it is really hard to…