

  • I do zumba at the gym, a 1 hour session can burn 850 calories, its great fun too. I also have a weights program made out for me...ask your gym to do this for you. They will tell you what to train on, how heavy, how long for etc.
  • Had my first weigh in this morning...not good. I weigh 191lbs (i did have my trainers tho!) Did a class called fit and fab...cardio, weights and a little zumba. Managed to burn 652 calories in a hour. My body is sore now.
  • Good morning, I am new on here today! I have had the phone app for a while and used it on and off BUT this time I am determined to complete my goal. So a little help and inspiration will do me good. I am off to the gym later and will weigh in there...will let you know the numbers later.
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