sweet50935 Member


  • I know shyness can be hard to overcome, I have been there. Have you ever tried online social groups? They have ones for all interests and activities. There are alot of free ones or ones that have small annual fees like $5. As far as dating, have you ever tried any bbw dating sites or match.com? There are plenty of men that…
  • You can add me. You can never have too many friends. :)
  • I can feel for you. He should be the one paying off his debit and his ex wife, not you. Chances are when the debt is all gone, he will be to. It sounds like he is the one being mean and maybe even somewhat emotionally abusive. You deserve better. You deserve to go to school if you want to. You deserve somebody who is…
  • For strenght training, you can use your own body weight for that. If you look up strength training exercise on the internet, or go to shape magazine, they should have a variety to choose from. You can always buy a resistance band from target or walmart to help with that as well. If you can afford to buy an exercise video…
  • Let's Go - Neyo an Calvin Harris Blow me One Last Kiss - Pink Turn Up The Music - Chirs Brown Let It Rock - Kevin Rudloph Do It Well - Jennfer Lopez S&M - Rihanna On the Floor - Jennifer Lopez and Pitbull Pound the Alarm - Nikki Minaj
  • You can make quesedillas with them or breakfast burritioes.