

  • Whey protein shakes are definitely a good option! Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Standard Whey protein powder is my favorite brand so far. It doesn't taste chalky and it mixes well with water, almond milk, coconut milk, etc.... Optimum Whey is also one of the lowest calorie/carb/sugar count per serving. In my opinion, the two…
  • GREEK yogurt mixed with a little bit of Sugar Free Instant Chocolate pudding mix .....Then freeze for 30 min! Just like delicious chocolate ice cream, but better! :) (My favorite SF Pudding mix-in flavor is the Cheescake!)
  • You can buy Walden Farm products on Vitacost.com (cheaper than the actual Walden Farms site, too).
  • I'd say that a healthy routine would be a combination of BOTH - Free weights AND machines. Either way you can tone up, but a combination of both would give optimal results. Like others have stated, machines are good for beginners. As you progress, throw in some free weight sessions. Free weights are great because you are…
  • First things, first - You have to figure out WHY you really want to get fit/healthy and WHAT you're willing to do and HOW much effort you're willing to put in to make it happen! I suggest doing some research as to why you crave certain foods (sweets, for example). Usually, when you crave sweet foods it's your body's way of…
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