Alexmycat Member


  • That's been happening to me lately too. Some days it is fine and others it's not. I wonder if I need to update one or both apps.
  • Crutches. At the time that I needed to hold onto the rails of the treadmill, I used crutches to walk. I'm really baffled that my disability would be someone else's peeve. It's not like I was completely thrilled with it myself. You do have the option of not looking though, right?
  • No, I do not cringe or otherwise judge people because I recognize that everyone has different abilities and challenges. I suffered multiple injuries in an auto accident. It took a dozen surgeries and years of physical therapy to be able to walk again. Part of that therapy involved walking on a treadmill. I was directed by…
  • I'm 5'5" and 139 pounds. I'm losing on 1600 to 1800 calories per day. The weight is coming off very slowly now, but I'm okay with that, since I'm getting close to my goal.
  • This is me: 5'5 HW 163 CW 141 GW 125-130 (I'll know when I get there!) I was thin my whole life and then suffered a disabling injury and was mostly bedridden for about a year and a half. I gained 30+ pounds during that time. I lost some of that just by getting back to a more normal activity level. I'd still like to lose…