

  • I was able to do one set of 20 modified push ups in a row tonight. A few minutes later I added another 10 modified. When I get to 50 modified, I will start trying to do regular style. Hopefully my arms will be strong enough to lift this body by then.
  • Thanks so much for all the initial support. I know that there are diets that I can pay for, but I want to do this the old fashioned way - portion control and exercise. The ones that I have paid for, have been for short stints and then I gained the weight back because I never really changed the foods I eat. The problem I…
  • I would like to join in on this challenge. I can barely do 1 pushup!
  • I'm a newbie too. I downloaded the iPhone app last Thursday. Today is the first day I have logged into the website. The app makes it so easy to log my foods, especially when I am at a restaurant. I find it has helped me make better food choices while I am there. I don't think I would be able to stick to it if not for the…