

  • If you find you are too miserable with the changes you are makin,. start making the changes a little at a time. Eat the fast food less often. Or cut soda down to everyother day or half of what you would normally drink in a day. Just examples. If you aren't satisfied you won't stick it out, then that is so discouraging.…
  • You may not be doing anything wrong. Sometimes when you start taking in a lot less calories, your body goes in to survival mode and you will not lose weight. Or you may not be eating enough. I wasn't when I first started. Talk to a dietician who can give you a formula for what your calorie intake should be and help you…
  • I like to walk and to excercise, it is now a good habit that I now have. AND I also will do a little more if I know I am going to be eating more. I think it actually is a healthy way to stay within your calorie goal, and not worry about it, or feel guilty about eating a little more.
  • You have great goals and motivation for getting off to a good start. Just don't be discouraged if the weight doesn't come off quite as quickly as you'd like it to, after the first few weeks. I was losing at least 2 lbs a week for the first 4 months starting the last week in May of 2012 and am now losing not quite a lb a…
  • Many people lose weight by doing a lot of different things. I eat what I want and stay within my daily calorie alotment. Almost everyday I add a protein shake as I am not a meat eater and have a hard time otherwise getting enough protein in my diet. And yes, I know, protein comes in other foods other than meat. I think you…
  • I too have a higher goal weight than many. My starting weight a few years ago was 270. I lost 50 lbs, then gained back about 25 over the last few years. I started dieting and being more active about 6 weeks ago and have gone from 248 to 228. My goal weight is 195. I am 59 years old and 5'5''. I want to reach a goal that I…
  • Part of losing weight and getting physically fit is learning to take care of ourselves. If you need to take a little time off, then that is what you need to do. My suggestion, though, is to set a definate time when you will get back into the swing of things or 2 weeks could lead to 3, then 4 and so on. I am sorry for your…