

  • I struggled for years with this painful condition, even had surgery on one of my feet to correct it. I wore orthodtics in my shoes, every morning and after being on my feet I felt I could scream. One day, while at the chiropractor, I mentioned something about having plantar fascitiis and the chiropractor laughed and said…
  • Weight Watchers has a recipe similar to this, it has chicken broth. I also have used corn on the cob and removed the corn and used the cob as flavoring, as it also makes its own broth. Of course, don't forget to remove the cobb before eating! (My friend clued me into this, she is a chef.) I have also added cilantro and…
  • I realize it is summer and it is hot out, but I love eating this year round.... SOUP. I make it myself. Use beef or chicken broth and add any vegetable you like. I generally add green beans, peas, corn, carrots,tomatoes, cabbage, zucchini or whatever I can find at the farmer's market.. The soup is very filling and…
    in Broke Comment by karen8272 July 2012
  • Hi, I have recently joined MFP and am finding the food journal a HUGE help in tracking my foods. I love the fact that I can journal my thoughts at the bottom of the food diary. I am also converting my food into points using the weight watcher system as well in my journal. Good luck on this journey; I am certain you will…
  • Have you been to a chiro? I have found that a few sessions with one works wonders on the my tendons and joints. I was a nonbeliever at one time, but not anymore! Good luck
  • Hi, feel free to add me. I have just joined MFP in hopes of helping to get some of my weight off. I need to lose 100 pounds. I too would love to have the support. Good luck with your new adventure; I am sure you can do it... Have faith!