

  • Im a bit over 5'8. And after my last child almost 6 months ago I was at 227 when I delivered. I just want to get back in my clothes!! I did the same made goals of 12 to 15 lbs, then changed as I lost it. Im doing the Vi-Shape powder shake diet. It's working great! ALso staying under 1200-1300 calories. You Can do it! So…
  • Just wanted to share my story. I gave birth to my 4th child the end of May. I have a 16, 13, 11, and 5 month old. Lots of years between the children (New hubby). So needless to say, Im not young. 39 when delivered in May. I am 5'8 and was size 10/12 weighing 168 when got pg. I gianed 60lbs!!! Weighing 227 when gave birth.…