SaphyBelle Member


  • This is very hard for me as I was already eating 1500-1800 prior to my diet. 1200 net seems a bit too much for me. However, most days I will eat over1200 all together, it will just be a lot lower in net calorie intake. I've also always been told that 1000 to 1500 is okay for diets. Anything below 1000 is bad.
  • My sodium occasionally goes over by about 500 maybe once a week. Otherwise it seems to be under most days. Water: 4-6 cups a day
  • Sorry, I thought my diary was already public. It's public now. I do strength training apart from pole, and pole dancing is pretty much strength training as well. I dont track my water consumption on here but I drink about 5-6 cups of water a day so it could possibly be that. I really drink nothing except water and…
  • I generally am pretty accurate with food intake (as bad as it is, most of my foods come in packets and I can easily scan them into my diary). Pole dancing, I could be off on calories burnt but even then with my BMR, I should still be losing weight. I doubt I'm eating to few calories. There are days when I eat as much as…