

  • Lol I am 99% sure that the OP was talking about the latter picture...why would she even assume that? idk why don't you look around and see what all the other chics are obsessing over (just google thigh gap)
  • I'm 123 and 5'6 that's a perfectly healthy weight and my Doctor says I shouldn't be concerned...but I'm skinny fat. That's not healthy and it doesn't look as good in a swim suit :P Trying to get down to 119 and tone up!!
  • That's me I get it from my dad. we both have awful diets and eat the worst stuff (donuts, fast food, soda...everything) and we stay relatively skinny but my dad has cholesterol issues and with my last blood test my doctor told me I had high triglycerides (bad-fat) so losing weight or being a healthy weight doesn't…
  • I KNOW RIGHT!!! Thigh Gap>>>>>