

  • Thank you everyone for the needed support!! I will comment to the lady who asked if she could be 200 lbs and a size 4. It is not likely possible, but not too far off base. I am 5'2" tall. I am a size 12/14 at 205 lbs. Not very usuall. I amAt my best weight I was 148lbs. So if you look at all the data I was severly…
  • I am in the same boat!! My friend and I have been run/walking approx 40 miles a week and weight lifting 2-3 days a week. We are currently on week 14. She has lost over 20 lbs. I on the other had have only lost 3-5lbs (depending on the day). I have kept on track with eating and am working out 1.5-3hrs a day. The only…
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