

  • Id give anything to loose weight off my boobs, im a FF cup. Id rather have smaller boobs anytime. They make exercising hard. I cant run, have had back problems all my life because of them. I so hope on my weight loss journey they deflate slightly!
    in Boobs Comment by 73ventura August 2012
  • Good for you for being on here for a start. Remember, you didnt suddenly put on the weight overnight, so dont expect to take it all off in one go. Just change one thing at a time. And dont beat yourself up about things, its small steps that complete the journey. Good luck!
  • Thanks for your help and comments. I will put carbs back in in small amounts later on, but I seriously havent missed them this second week. I do have a couple of exercise DVDs, will try those. Will kick the kids off the tv! And the water I will try to drink at least some. Im a tea drinker, and really dont enjoy water at…