

  • Mine is open :) 1200 cals but often eat more as I excercise most days. I've also recently amended the diary to log 4 smaller meals plus snacks so going back not all of the foods are in the right category.
  • Yep, you're right, it originated from that episode. <3 South Park
  • Internet joke. I think they were saying that, while it is better than white bread, it still has quite a high GI so it's not neccesarily as healthy as the brands claim. Here is a quick summary of wholewheat grains vs flour -
  • I only got part of the way through as it was so long winded but as I remember... 1. Concentrated fruit juice (alternative: pressed juice) 2. Margarine (alternative: butter) 3. Whole wheat bread / pasta /"high carbs" (alternative: brown rice) 4. ?????? 5. Profit!