I was in good shape then had life throw me a few curve balls. I fell into a messed up place mentally and lost my motivation, my drive and the will power that I needed to maintain my physique. In short, I gave up on me and let myself go to an unhealthy 230 lbs. / 36% body fat. In January 2020 I decided to show myself some…
J.K. Simmons
The Accountant
Django Unchained
Mark Wahlberg
Edward James Olmos
Jennifer Lawrence
Did you know that I did not know that?
Chris Pratt
Win What? Eucalyptus Essential Oils?
American Sniper
40 and looking better than most 20 year olds! :D
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Always accepting new friends!
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I'm all for more motivated friends! Feel free to add me MFP peeps!
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Always accepting new friends!
Hi there! I just visited a couple years ago for the first time and loved it. Definitely the land of 10,000 lakes!
Welcome aboard! Feel free to add me.
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The fastest way to lose that weight is to change your views and accept that this is not going to happen overnight. It's a b!tch to get in shape and takes lots of hard work but like anything else you do repeatedly, it gets easier. I read a quote once that truly got me going and with diabetes running in my family i had to…
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